My next adventure: Jordan (Amman/Petra) – March 2025

Day 13, 14 & 15 – Stormy Seas and The Bridge

Did I say that I would write this last Monday? Oh well, only a mere 6 days late, not much to tell anyway!

Now, when we headed into the Baltic Sea on our way from Copenhagen to Stockholm, we were informed that the lengthy distance in between was due to the ship being unable to fit under the bridge connecting the Danish capital to Malmo in Sweden. It was therefore a little of a shock one morning to find the ship heading straight towards the same bridge that we supposedly couldn’t fit under! As we approached the structure, the captain came over the speaker confirming that we were going under with only a 75m height gap! Of course, everyone raced up to top deck and I must say that it was a rather unusual sight; the top deck was blessed with nothing but sky for the past two weeks only to be marked by this gigantic structure for a few minutes! You may remember that last year, I travelled across it by train on the way to Malmo, I guess the only thing left to do is drive over it…maybe one year!

The remainder of our journey back to Southampton was rather choppy with up to 3m swells making it near impossible to do anything aboard hence a movie marathon was in order for the next two days…and that’s it, the Baltic countries (bar Norway, Latvia and Lithuania) can now be ticked off!

So where next? In September, I have decided to follow one of the conventional ‘backpacker’ trails and fly out to the Indian capital, Delhi for a few days (traveling down to the Taj Mahal) and then hopping over to Kathmandu in Nepal to take a helicopter/plane tour around Mount Everest (hopefully landing just below Base Camp!). Full details to follow 🙂

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2019 Travels – The Weird, Weirder and Weirdest

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