My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Today we headed into Zurich from our hotel at the airport, we debated about getting on the metro into the centre however as my wheelchair wasn’t really charged we thought it would be safer just to drive in. I would say it was safer but on the drive in we had to cope with driving alongside and on tram tracks with them coming from every direction, which was fun! It was also a good job that we didn’t catch the tram as we discovered after that only a limited number of stops and trams were actually accessible.

Anyway we discovered a car park in the centre and headed out for a wonder around by the river taking photos as usual as well as visiting the favorite train station. On walking out of the station I saw a visually impressive skyscraper – the only one in the city and obviously went to try and find it. This was followed by us having some lunch in a random park, when I noticed that my battery was running very low so we headed back to the hotel for the rest of the afternoon and then went out for dinner at a restaurant near the hotel. In conclusion if you wanted to visit Zurich you would probably be best either driving or catching the train.

Tomorrow we will travel down to the Jungfrau and catch the train up to the top of Europe so see you then!

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Day 14 – Travel to Strasbourg

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Day 17 – The Jungfrau

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