My next adventure: Jordan (Amman/Petra) – March 2025

Day 20 – Some lovely Fireworks

Having no plans yesterday meant that we went for a wander after breakfast and stumbled upon the Chicago Blues Festival. Although Blues isn’t my kind of music, we sat in the park listening and, in particular watched people dance to it some of which was quite hilarious!

The tempreture yesterday was predicted at around 28 degrees so we decided to head to Starbucks for a while with some air conditioning before resorting back to the hotel for a few hours to pack and watch the England game.

After dinner for which we went to TGI Fridays, we headed to Navy Pier to watch some marvellous fireworks which being set off from boats although it could have been better if they had music added but hey it was a nice end to the holiday! On the way back we found ourselves in the underground network of roads for which there seemed to be noway out and took a while to actually find an exit.

Today we fly back to Heathrow and hope that no dramas will occur, but knowing me there will be so I will write the final post tomorrow when I get back which will properly make no sense at all being knackered!

See you tomorrow

Nath 🙂

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Day 19 – Let’s go to the Beach Beach, let’s get away ay.

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Day 21 and a half- Homeward Bound

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