My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Prague and Bratislava Diary – April 2019

Prague and Bratislava Itinerary (and a confession)

Every time I think of Prague now, the image of the departure board at Bristol airport informing us of the flight cancellation pops into my head, hopefully that won’t happen this time around (one can hope anyway!)! Anyway, what is the plan for Prague? Pretty much the same as...

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Day 1/2 – Prague Bound and Clocks

I swear every time that I traverse Bristol International Airport, they handle Superbunny differently! This time, after a journey in the minibus out to the airfield with a Spanish driver who spoke little English was unable to distinguish between EasyJet and Ryanair, Superbunny’s joystick was disconnected (after clearly informing...

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Day 3 – The Smallest Lift Imaginable (Petrin Tower)

Before I start this post, I forgot to explain why I titled yesterdays post ‘Clocks’, perhaps due to the jetlag from a 100 minute flight? Anyway, the answer is that the majority of streets in the city centre have some resemblance of a clock so you are constantly reminded...

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Day 4/5 – The Day That Superbunny Bled To Death (ish)

Remember when I said that everything was plain sailing thus far? Of course it couldn’t last could it? The last few days have been rather hectic hence the gap in this blog, however, I will try my best to fill you in with happenings! Let’s return to Wednesday morning...

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Day 6 – A Hidden Gem in Central Europe (Bratislava)

The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava is a city not necessarily on the conventional tourists bucket list, especially if you use a wheelchair but you may be surprised by this place! If you think of a quaint city that is a cross between Czech and Austrian styled architecture, that’s Bratislava....

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Day 7 – The UFO Tower Experience

Today was our last full day in Bratislava and indeed for this trip (how time flies!!). As I mentioned yesterday, the sole aim of today was to explore the UFO Tower which stands proud over a dual carriageway. N.B. I thought I would mention that a car has just...

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Day 8 – The Vienna Airport Experience

…and the answer to that cliffhanger of a question regarding Superbunny is YES!! Superbunny successfully made it home to Bristol and is now at the hospital being fixed, what’s even better is the fact that it’s costing less than £200, much cheaper than anticipated!! Anyway, where did I leave...

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