My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Malta Diary – May 2024

Day 1 (Malta 2024) – The Embassy Hotel

It feels very odd not to be travelling with Superbunny on this trip considering that it has rolled around a large proportion of Europe over the past two years. However, as we learnt last year, Malta and it’s capital Valletta isn’t the best place for an electric wheelchair. Granted...

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Day 2 (Malta 2024) – Gardens and Cathedrals

Although a few streets in Valetta are very steep, we discovered when wandering around last night that some of these can be avoided by crisscrossing other streets with a lesser gradient. One also noted that the streets within recently renovated area such as St. Paul’s Cathedral comprise of smooth...

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Day 3 (Malta 2024) – Valletta by Boat

The plan for today was similar to ones final day last year in terms of hopping on a boat tour around the various harbours, however this time we tried out the Hop On, Hop Off ferry from Sliema. One thing that has changed from last year is that the...

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Day 4 (Malta 2024) – Mdina

One had researched the fortified city of Mdina as a potential destination for last years trip which we never ended up doing hence that was the plan for today. Like one did in Armenia and Tunisia, an app (ECabs) was used to arrange a taxi from the hotel. The...

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Day 5 (Malta 2024) – Final Thoughts

Now that Valletta and, indeed, Malta has been rolled around twice, it seems appropriate to provide ones final thoughts. From an electric wheelchair users point of view, it is possible to enjoy the island, however a lot of prior planning is needed. For example, although the boats (with the...

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