My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

America and Canada Diary – May/June 2014

Day 1 – London

Well where are we? Only in the Ibis hotel at Heathrow! However this is me, so it’s still been a random day. We left Bristol about 11am and arrived at the hotel (it’s posh for Ibis…better than Lyon) at about 1. After lunch instead of staying at the hotel...

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Day 2 – Travel to New York

This has been the longest day ever and currently we are going rather insane, so apologies! The alarm was set for 5:12am as I like to rather awkward in my timing from which we drove to Terminal 3 where we arranged for the van to be picked up and...

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Day 3 – Grand Central Station and Empire State Building

Ok so I’m slightly more awake (well I woke up at 5:45) so see how today’s blog goes! After my early start we headed out to have breakfast at an American Diner for which, as usual, came in large portions so didn’t feel like having lunch! We headed towards...

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Day 4 – Helicopter Ride Over New York

Today was all about the helicopter ride over New York that cost me around £470 for three people! After doing some research, we found that there was a bus to the South Ferry which is where the helipad is (the M5 if you really care and are wanting to...

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Day 5 – Rockefeller

Well it was a late night last night as we headed up the Rockefeller at night to see the New York skyline and the reason why I’m posting this this morning or afternoon or whatever! We began as usual by going to a diner for breakfast, this time it...

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Day 6 – Brooklyn Bridge

Can’t believe how quick this week has gone as we are leaving to fly to Toronto tomorrow afternoon! Anyway we woke up at a later time and then went out for breakfast like normal after which one of my PAs went off to Macy’s to do some shopping whilst...

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Day 7 – Staten Island

Seeing as it was our last night in New York, we decided to go to the bar for a drink. Where my PA’s found someone from Sex and the City and were being scaredy cats, but eventually managed to get a selfie with him (It was Anthony for those...

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Day 8 – The day that Super bunny died

As the title implies, yesterday was a nightmare day and it seemed that everything was against us until we got to our hotel in Toronto about 10pm. We began the day by taking a walk around a Central Park finding The Alice in Wondrland Statue for which a group...

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Day 9 – CN Tower

After the dramas of yesterday, we decided to have a rather relaxed day today, visiting the CN Tower. The plan was to catch the subway, but after several attempts to find the lift (which are in random office buildings in Toronto) we gave up and decided to walk as...

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Day 10 – Cheeky Cheeky

Today’s post has a weird title which will become clear later on as it has been one of the most funniest evenings ever! This morning we went over to the Toronto Islands via the ferry, yet again I took my manual wheelchair and oh, by the way super bunny...

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Day 11 – Niagara Falls on the train and bus!

Today was exciting for me as I got to go one my favourite thing, a train and then a bus to Niagara Falls! We had an early start, probably the earliest since the day of our flight to New York. We caught the free hotel shuttle (or car) to...

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Day 12 – Not a Lot and Hooters

Well this post isn’t going to make any sense as I’m knackered and my PAs too. This morning after a late start, we went for a wander around the Eaton Centre which is the main shopping mall in Toronto. Like normal, I just went along with the flow and...

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Day 13 – Train to London

So yesterday was the day of catching the train to London, Ontario. As we took the train to Niagara Falls earlier in the week, I thought that getting on the train was simple, how wrong was I! We ordered the taxi the day before to pick us from the...

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Day 14 – Day of Cousins

Today went rather quickly as I had my cousins visiting for which we tried to have a BBQ but the English weather came and caught us up and so we all stayed inside. Whilst the was happening one decided to brave the rain and stoke up the BBQ under...

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Day 15 – Round 2- Super bunny is knocked out again!

Well if you know me, you will know that nothing is ever easy and this was certainly the case yesterday when I travelled from my cousins to Chicago! We spent a relaxing morning at my cousins (being fed far too much food…I won’t mention the burnt nachos) which I...

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Day 16 – The John Hancock Tower

Today was a relaxing day after the dramas that we had yesterday! By the way, I received my final university results and calculated that I have got First class Honours degree!! My celebration present to myself was one of having lunch and then visiting the John Hancock Tower. As...

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Day 17 – The day that Super Bunny rose from the dead… For the second time!

The weather today wasn’t as bad as we thought, and it didn’t rain at all! Although it looked like it was going to this afternoon. As breakfast isnt complimentary in this hotel, we decided to go for a little stroll where we came across a cafe in the middle...

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Day 18 – A boat ride

Last night one of my PAs got their final uni results so we decided to go for cocktails to celebrate at the John Hancock tower (we found out that it was free to get up to the bar on the 96th floor, which had kind of the same views...

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Day 19 – Let’s go to the Beach Beach, let’s get away ay.

Today was rather relaxing as we heading to out onto the beach which surrounds Lake Michigan which excited my PA’s greatly as it meant they could sun bathe. I’m not normally a beach person because I have a phobia of seagulls and they are everywhere in the UK but...

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Day 20 – Some lovely Fireworks

Having no plans yesterday meant that we went for a wander after breakfast and stumbled upon the Chicago Blues Festival. Although Blues isn’t my kind of music, we sat in the park listening and, in particular watched people dance to it some of which was quite hilarious! The tempreture...

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Day 21 and a half- Homeward Bound

Well here we are back in Bristol from what doesnt seem like a three week holiday! Yesterday in Chicago it was hot and stuffy so after we had walked around a little with time to spare after checking out, we decided to try Chicago’s famous Garrett’s popcorn which is...

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