My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Miami and Caribbean Cruise Diary – August 2016

Day 0 and 1 – The epicentre of the UK (Heathrow) and touchdown

So it has been a been a manic two days of travelling hence why I have just started the blog this morning! As per my previous America trip, we stayed in the Ibis hotel at Heathrow which brought back memories of my 21 day American adventure, I think I...

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Day 2 – Lets go to the beach ey ey (Wait that was last time…)

After a slow morning yesterday, we headed to Miami beach which we found out is totally different city to Miami (interesting fact for the day!) it was simple enough to book a wheelchair taxi from the hotel to the beach bar the fact it cost 70 dollars there and...

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Day 3 – Lets go cruising

After packing once again, we headed down to the port of Miami (apparently the biggest port in America…interesting fact!). On our way back from Miami beach Friday we managed to book a taxi to take us there with the same company. Although the port of Miami is around a...

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Day 4 – Absolutely nothing!

Yesterday we were at sea all day as we made our way to Jamaica. This made for a perfect opportunity to do nothing! As we couldn’t attend the emergency drill yesterday, we were asked to go to the theatre to watch an exciting demonstration video in around 5 different...

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Day 5 – Jamaica Man!

Today we visited our first port of call, Ochos Rios in Jamaica. It was another hot one as we made our way from the cruise ship to the terminal, definitely one of the hottest places that I have ever visited! Prior to coming out here, I had booked a...

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Day 6 – Palm Trees!!

Today we docked at Georgetown in the Cayman Islands, I say docked but we actually tendered meaning that we had to get boats onto the main land. We thought it would be best to take my manual wheelchair just to be on the safe side and it was a...

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Day 8/9 – Cruise Ship Central

I don’t quite know what’s happening to this blog as posts are going missing, must be something to with the wifi! However I will write the missing ones again when I get home. As I was meant to say on day 7 yesterday it was another day at sea...

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Day 10 – I’m in Miami girl!

Finally back to proper wifi!! It was an early start this morning as we were informed that we had to vacant our cabin by 0700 only to wait 3 hours in order to disembark at the port of Miami. It was rather smooth process until this point until one...

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Day 11 – Miami transportation system and its my birthday!

Yesterday was my 24th birthday and the plan was to celebrate by visiting the Cheesecake Factory at Dande Land mall which I believe is in South Miami. The journey consisted of catching the metro-mover (which I knew was accessible) from my wonder around the day before and then travelling...

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