My next adventure: Jordan (Amman/Petra) – March 2025

Day 4 in Copenhagen – Traffic!!

As you know, I don’t stick to any plans that I have made and as such today we caught the hop on and hop off bus for a tour around Copenhagen. The concierge informed us that some of the buses were not wheel chair accessible and would have to ring ahead to check the bus. To make life easier, we just decided to take my manual wheel chair and it was a good job too!!

Luckly, the bus we caught was accessible, however they didn’t have any tie down straps available (it must be a requirement on Danish buses) and as such the driver didn’t like the idea of me staying in the wheel chair although my PA sat in it instead. The tour took us around various land marks such as The little mermaid which you couldn’t see from the bus but hey! The main issue arose when we were told to get off the bus and get on older one to continue the tour. The bus was not accessible at all so it was a good job that we were able to carry my manual wheel chair on board and fold it up other we would have been stuck for 40 minutes!

We have just come back from the Copenhagen mall were we discovered an ice parlour which meant I got fat haha! We have nothing else planned for the rest of the afternoon apart from going to the pool yet again before we flight back to good old Bristol tomorrow.

Oh and I thought you might like to know that the sushi we had for dinner yesterday in the hotel cost over £150!!

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Day 4.5 and 5 – Rolling around in Copenhagen and homeward bound.

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