One had researched the fortified city of Mdina as a potential destination for last years trip which we never ended up doing hence that was the plan for today. Like one did in Armenia and Tunisia, an app (ECabs) was used to arrange a taxi from the hotel. The app allowed you to choose from a list of vehicles akin to Uber rather than ‘you get what you get’, however it doesn’t allow you to book a fully accessible vehicle.
During the drive to Mdina, we passed through the more modern parts of Valletta within which one thing stood out, lifts were present on nearly every footbridge even if it wasn’t in a busy area…other countries take note!
Anyway, we arrived at the Mdina City Gate which is approximately 30 minutes by car from central Valletta…

From prior research, it was noted that the surfaces have been recently refurbished which was something of interest. From wandering around the place for a few hours, it appears that 99% of the surfaces comprise of ‘fake’ paving (akin to Bratislava) making for a completely smooth roll (see below)…

In the heart of Mdina is St Paul’s Cathedral for which a ticket needs to be purchased, however, said ticket can also be used to enter the Mdina Cathedral Museum. As per other attractions, disabled individuals can enter for FREE. The museum also contains an underground section which can be reached via a lift…

Only half of this section is wheelchair accessible, however, still worth a visit.
Next, we crossed over to the majestic St Paul’s Cathedral which can be accessed via a ramp and contains spectacular artwork…

Tomorrow, we head back to LHR hopefully with the wheelchair in one piece. Final thoughts to follow…