My next adventure: Cluj-Napoca/Turda/Bran (Romania) – April 2025

Day 1 (Dublin) – The Hotel Fiasco

Before one delves into writing about Dublin, let me introduce Superbunny (on the right of the below photo). Compared to ones other wheelchair, Superbunny is much less breakable when flying (one hopes anyway)…

Today was ones first time flying with an electric wheelchair, definitely a learning experience! As you can fly from Dublin from Bristol, that was the obvious choice of airport. After check in, we got told to go over to the special assistance point, where there was nothing but a phone on the table requesting one to ring a number to get assistance around the airport even though half of it we didn’t need anyway, but they were very helpful, but also a little patronising making me want to kill them by the end of it!

We got onto the ambulift which took us out to the airfield, I have never stood on an airfield before, it’s quite windy! Anyway, there was a large group of ground crew deciding the best way to get my electric wheelchair onto the plane and then, like normal, they decided to lift it, I’m sure health and safety went out the window!

After a short flight, we arrived in Dublin where we were greeted by yet another ambulift. Opposed to Bristol where they lifted my wheelchair, it seemed that Dublin had the sense to use equipment, it was like a luggage conveyer belt which they used to get ones luggage off the plane. As usual, one skipped through security, there are benefits of being disabled sometimes! We were then escorted out of the terminal and all the way to our fully accessible taxi with our Polish driver.

You may have thought the flight would have been the most difficult part of the journey, but in fact our troubles hadn’t even began yet! We entered the hotel to be told that they forgot to read the comments section on the booking form which clearly stated that the room needed to be wheelchair accessible, it transpires that they didn’t have a wheelchair accessible room. We were then told that we would be transferred to another hotel, which we waited a hour just for an accessible taxi to take us there. This taxi driver, who was foreign, seemed to have an obsession with the word ‘perfect’ as it was used in nearly every sentence. We finally arrived at another hotel where we were informed that apparently we had not paid for any of our accommodation when it stated on the paperwork that it was prepaid, so one got a little stressed and stroppy with the staff in both hotels. By this time it was around 5pm, and we hadn’t even eaten, so we decided to get a pizza takeaway to eat in the room. After all this palaver, one decided to go for a little roll into the centre where the Dublin Spire is located (which was completed 3 years late, fun fact!)…

As we are in Ireland, it was only appropriate to finish the day with a pint of Guinness…

Tomorrow we aim to explore the train station and then explore one of the city’s main attractions, Dublin Zoo!

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Day 2 (Dublin) – The Zoo

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