My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Day 20 – Exploring Lyon and the Tour de France

We had an unexpected start to the morning as we had planned to move the car to avoid paying a high rate for parking however when we got to the car, we discovered that my PAs had left the lights on which lead to a dead battery. Through my PA’s extensive knowledge of French, we managed to talk a French guy into helping us jump start the van. During this we caused quite a commotion as we found out that the instructions on the jump leads box were incorrect and we managed to set off the car alarm and then we were corrected by yet another French guy and scared his kid! Due to the battery being empty, we spent an hour driving round the outskirts of Lyon to recharge it, during which we discovered that the Tour de France was finishing at Lyon today. This then set the president for the day in which we decided to, after having lunch, find a shady spot and wait for the tour to come through.

It was quite interesting watching the tour in real life as it took all of forty seconds to pass whereas on TV it seems longer. We then returned to the car and tried to find our way back to the hotel avoiding all the road closures which involved most of the bridges to the financial district-where we are staying.

Tomorrow we plan to do what we were supposed to do today, which was to have a wander around the financial district before we head for our overnight stay in Avignon to visit the special place of the train station!!

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Day 19 – Travel to Lyon

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Day 21 – Exploring Lyon (Round 2) and travel to Avignon

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