My next adventure: Cluj-Napoca/Turda/Bran (Romania) – April 2025

Day 3 (Prague) – The Žižkov Television Tower

The aim of today was to visit the Žižkov Television Tower (or the ‘crawling babies’ tower, the reasoning I will explain shortly). The journey from the hotel was a little hair raising to say the least as construction work around the Florenc area meaning risking life and death attempting to cross 3 or 4 lanes of traffic which is no mean feat especially with Superbunny. Anyway, a few more roads and steep hills later, we reached our destination.

The Žižkov Television Tower was constructed in 1992 towards the end of the Soviet era and was subsequently dubbed the worlds second ugliest building (although one has seen much worse in my opinion). In an effort to boost it’s appearance, a Czech artist was commissioned in 2000 to design fiberglass ‘babies’ which would ‘crawl’ up the tower giving rise to its nickname…

The entrance to said tower is actually sunken down below street level with steps surroundings its perimeter. How do you access the lower level you may ask? The answer to that is practically pretending that you are a car by going through the underground car park…

Disabled individuals and companions can enter the Žižkov Television Tower for a discounted rate of 100 CZK. For the best views, one would recommend visiting the restaurant albeit a little overpriced…

Tomorrow, one heads down to the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. Unfortunately, Superbunny had a little accident today rendering it undrivable meaning that one has had to fork out for a wheelchair accessible taxi to take us over the border. Thank god that we are in Europe!

Let’s see what Bratislava has to offer…

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Day 2 (Prague) – The Smallest Lift Imaginable (Petrin Tower)

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Day 4 (Bratislava) – A Hidden Gem in Central Europe

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