My next adventure: Cluj-Napoca/Turda/Bran (Romania) – April 2025

Day 7 (Switzerland) – The SBB and RailJet Experience

Before one delves into the experience given by SSB and RailJet, a word of warning for those thinking of using the Geneva bus network. As we chose to catch the bus from the hotel to the station, however, when one signalled to the driver that the ramp was required, the simply driver decided to drive off Despite this, the buses in Geneva are fully accessible with ramps that fold down.

The SSB train to the Zurich (where we had to change in order to get to Vienna) arrived with precision timing, however, one was put in the wrong carriage so spent the journey in the door way. Although the train was flush with the platform, there was quite a large gap with no ramp to bridge this. It may have been possible to source a ramp from the station, however, a little manpower did the trick.

One had a 12 minute stop over at Zurich train station, giving plenty of time to find the next platform.

The train from Zurich to Vienna was courtesy of RailJet. It is worth noting that RailJet possess a large fleet with both old and new rolling stock with varying levels of accessibility. One was lucky enough to have one of the newer vehicles with a self deploying ramp which you can see a clip of on the YouTube channel. Once inside, several wheelchair spaces are available…

The 8 hour train journey took us through spectacular scenery as we travelled through Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria.

After arriving into Vienna at 11pm, we plan to use the U-Bahn network tomorrow to head over to the DC Towers (the tallest skyscrapers in Austria) plus visit the Danube Tower to gain a birds eye view of the city.

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Day 6 (Geneva) – United Nations and The Lake

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Day 8 (Vienna) – U-Bahn and The Danube Tower

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