My next adventure: Cluj-Napoca/Turda/Bran (Romania) – April 2025

Day 19 (Avignon) – A Historical French Gem

Due to the limited time one had in the city of Avignon, we decided to explore the Palais des Papes area. This UNESCO World Heritage Site isn’t particularly accessible for wheelchairs due to cobble stones and a lack of drop kerbs, however the architecture is too stunning to miss…

As the temperature rose, one decided to head down to the The Bridge of Avignon. Unfortunately the elevator was out of order hence the view from the footpath alongside the River Rhône had to suffice…

One then made one of the stupidest decisions of his life and rolled directly into the river in an attempt to cool down, needless to say that we now have an immobile wheelchair with a “bad cable”…

One is hoping that said wheelchair will spring back to life once it has dried out, who knows! Tomorrow, we head from our hotel in Montpellier to the city of Sète on the shores of the Mediterranean, beach time?

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Day 18 (Lyon) – Towers and Gares

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Day 20 (Sete) – Mediterranean Joy

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