Aside from the Széchenyi Thermal Baths and Houses of Parliament, one of the highlights of Budapest is the Fishersmans Bastion with its neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style. Situated overlooking the city, it also provides a good vantage point for one to admire the cityscape. Unfortunately, the main route from the city consists of multiple flights of steps with no clear wheelchair accessible route up to the top. It is, however, possible to visit said structure by road which may be preferred by wheelchair users. However, if one is prepared to roll up a rather steep hill, spectacular city views present themselves…

Once one reaches the Bastian, a large proportion of the area consists of smooth surfaces making for an easy roll…

One cannot deny that the views are a little special…

When one travels, it is always interesting to see how various countries integrate (or not) disabled people into society. At the Fisherman’s Bastion, one noted a model of the Bastion decorated with Braille. However, the problem was that the model was made out of metal. Metal sitting in the sun tends to get hot, very hot meaning burning is possible…

Tomorrow, one heads back to Vienna to catch the train through Czechia to our final destination, Katowice in Poland.