My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Day 1 – The start of trains!

So here we are in lovely London for the start of another fabulous holiday expedition around Europe! We decided to get the train to London Paddington on which there were no wheelchair spaces in standard class ( free upgrade to first class). When you think of first class, you think everything will be just so, however, these are British trains so disabled people are not always at the forefront of their creations plus it was built in the 1970’s or 1980’s!

Superbunny could only just fit through the gap between the luggage rack, just! However after a little mounavering, we arrived into Paddington on time, with its magnificent architecture. Which by the way has nearly a few weeks left until the station has finished it’s renovation.

I only discovered weeks back when I came to visit a friend that there is an accessible underground station in Paddington which has step free access onto to the Circle and the Hammersmith and City line which we needed get on to get to St Pancreas International. However today is the beginning of a 24hour strike and we arrived in 90 minutes before it was due to start. It always amazes me how the end carriages on tube trains are always nearly empty, which I use to my advantage as it was manic.

Outside St Pancreas station, we found our way to the hotel and checked in without any problems (I have probably jinked it now). The room is nice enough and basically what you get in a normal Ibis hotel.  My PA’s had a lovely evening to theirselves whilst I went out with my friend for dinner. Excitement of my day was that someone fainted in the restaurant, paramedics are amazing!

Tomorrow we get up at 5am which my PA’s are so excited about, in order to catch th 7:18 Eurostar to Marseille.

See you tomorrow!

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Day 2 – Going under the sea

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