It feels very odd not to be travelling with Superbunny on this trip considering that it has rolled around a large proportion of Europe over the past two years. However, as we learnt last year, Malta and it’s capital Valletta isn’t the best place for an electric wheelchair. Granted that the city is making progress towards being more wheelchair accessible with the introduction of low floor buses etc, however it’s not quite there yet.
The benefit of not taking said wheelchair is that we could take any taxi to the hotel from the airport which one knows almost inside out after our walking exploration last year thanks to Google Maps.
This time, we are staying at The Embassy Hotel in the heart of Valletta rather than in Sliema to avoiding faffing with ferries over and back. However, it is worth noting that accessible hotel rooms are hard to come by in the city and The Embassy seems to be one of the only hotels to have them (rather expensive also!. Despite this, it hasn’t been an easy booking process.
One originally booked rooms with a Sea View, however, said hotel decided to call us last week (with one week to go mind you!) informing us that there are no accessible rooms available with a Sea View and are, in fact, on another floor. Anyway, we decided to check out the Sea View regardless of the accessibility and it turns out that the ‘non accessible room’ is bigger than a lot of accessible rooms that one has stayed at…

The only thing, akin to Athens, is that the bathroom is on the small side…

However, look at the view from ones balcony over one of the harbours surrounding Valletta…

The plan tomorrow is to wander around hilly Valletta, maybe the Barrakka Lift could come in handy once more over the next few days?