My next adventure: Jordan (Amman/Petra) – March 2025

Day 3 (New York) – Liberty Helicopter Tours

One of the best ways to take in the sights of New York City is by air. As such, it seemed appropriate to book a helicopter ride during our visit to this iconic city. After reading various reviews, one settled upon Liberty Helicopter Tours which, as of 2014, cost around £470 for three people!

Planning our route, we found that there was a bus to South Ferry which is where the helipad is located (the M5 if you are wanting to go!). The New York City buses are completely accessible with mechanical ramps that flip out.

After around 40 minutes on the bus, we arrived at the famous Wall Street to capture a few traditional tourist ‘selfies’…

We then headed over to the M5 heliport and checked ourselves in for ones flight at 2:30pm. This would be ones maiden helicopter flight hence there was an ounce of excitement…

Out onto the helipad, the next question was how to get one into said helicopter. No matter though as one of the staff members resorted carrying oneself on, don’t know what health and safety would say to that…

Ones £470 was well spent flying over Staten Island, Lower Manhattan and Down Town. The staff were very helpful so would highly recommend it but it depends whether you want to pay a high price for just 10 minutes!

Tomorrow we plan to visit the infamous Ellen’s Stardust Diner before we head up The Rockefeller Center after dark to catch a glimpse of NYC at night!

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Day 2 (New York) – Grand Central Station and Empire State Building

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Day 4 (New York) – Ellen’s Stardust Diner and The Rockefeller Center

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