My next adventure: Cluj-Napoca/Turda (Romania) – April 2025

Day 3.5 (Sarajevo) – Avast Twist Tower

The observation deck atop of Sarajevo’s tallest tower is perhaps overlooked by many, however it’s one of the more accessible things to do in the city.

Due to its close proximity to the train station, one decided to see whether we could purchase tickets for the forthcoming trip to Mostar, however it turns out that the ticket office of one of Bosnias biggest stations likes to close before the stated time. Still, one had time to have a nose around the concourse…

Now, the easiest way to reach the Avast Twist Tower is up a flight of steps (of course!) hence it is necessary for wheelchair users to brave the traffic and follow vehicles in through the car park. The tower is FREE to everyone and has your usual glass lift up to the observation deck where a bar is also located selling drinks and light snacks. In addition, the Avast Twist Tower provides panoramic views of Sarajevo surrounded by the Dinaric Alps…

On a side note, if you are looking for accessible restaurants slightly outside of the centre, highly recommend visiting Alta Shopping Centar.

Tomorrow, we take the train from Sarajevo to Mostar (exploring the famous Old Town etc) which is, supposedly, one of the worlds most scenic railway journeys. It has been very interesting booking assistance with Bosnian Railways hence one is unsure of how it will pan out. Oh and there is a weather warning out for rain and thunderstorms!

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Day 3 (Sarajevo) – Tunnel of Hope

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Day 4 (Mostar) – Bosnian Railway Experience

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