My next adventure: Southern India (Chennai, Pollachi,  Kochi) – August 2024

Day 14 – Travel to Strasbourg

Well if its 26 degrees at night and no air conditioning isn’t enough, I don’t know what is! Anyway today we took the five hour drive to Strasbourg, which included an extra hour getting out of Paris itself even though it’s a Sunday, I guess that’s just Paris.

We soon hit the open French countryside which is a straight road which lasted forever followed by some hills down into Strasbourg. We started with a quick visit to my favorite place in any city, the train station which tied in well with my love for architecture. We then checked in to our hotel which is more like an apartment with a fridge, microwave and cooker and we are just about to eat pizza that we ordered, it seems like Cologne again! Tomorrow we will be exploring Strasbourg and then driving down through Germany into Zurich.

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Day 13 – Exploring Paris

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Day 16 – Exploring Zurich

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