My next adventure: Jordan (Amman/Petra) – March 2025

Day 11.5 (Paris) – Tram Accessibility and Tour Montparnasse

Apart from rolling around the La Défense district, the other thing on the Paris checklist was to visit Tour Montparnasse. Since we are staying on the other side of the Seine, Maps advised us that we could either use the metro or the tram to reach said tower. Now, one is quite familiar with the Parisian metro (and RER) network and can say that it’s not the easiest to navigate whether due to the lack of elevators or large gaps between the train and the platform. As such, one was excited to give the tram network a go after which I will never look back!

As per a large proportion of tram networks worldwide, the rolling stock consists of low floor vehicles making level boarding possible at nearly every station. This is definitely one of the better ways for wheelchair users to navigate Paris.

Tour Montparnasse has a direct sight of the Eiffel Tower thus provides an unparalleled view of this iconic structure. Although wheelchair users can only access the 56th floor (and enter at a discounted rate), panoramic views are still available…

Tomorrow, we head back towards the German border for a short stayover in the city of Strasbourg.

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Day 11 (Paris) – La Défense District

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Day 12 (Strasbourg) – Cathedral and The Bridge of Two Banks

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