Today, we docked at our final port of call, Nassau in the Bahamas. As one read on another blog (Curb Free with Cory Lee), that Nassau was pretty accessible, I decided to take Superbunny for a roll around the place. As expected the place was very accessible as opposed to other places on the cruise and a large proportion of shops and restaurants have level access…

After taking a short walk through the centre we headed down to Western Esplande Beach for another dip in the Caribbean Sea. Unfortunately, said beach didn’t have wheelchair access hence needed a little manpower. Whilst on the beach, it was only appropriate to get with the Caribbean culture and sample drinking from a cocoanut…

Tomorrow, one docks back at the Port of Miami (and have to be out of our cabins at 7am!). As it’s also ones 24th birthday, the plan is to head to the Dande Land Mall to visit The Cheesecake Factory (made famous by The Big Bang Theory) which is officially ones favourite place in the world! To get there, we will be using the FREE Metromover and Miami Metrorail system.