We began today by going for a wander around the financial district of Lyon in which we discovered we could go up the tallest building as it is a Radisson hotel and bar. The plan was to buy a cup of tea up there but looking at the prices, we decided against and so my PA pretended to look at the menu to distract the bar manager while we were taking photos. On leaving the tower we were approached by the same bar worker and his colleague, we instantly thought that they had come after us when in fact they were just trying to help us find an accessible way to the train station. Although we did not have time to go onto the tram, we checked them out and they seemed to be pretty accessible similar to the ones in Strasbourg.
We headed to my favorite place in the whole world, the train station, where we discovered some French trains such as the TGV and local SNCF trains had floors the same height as the platform which I thought was cool compared to English trains. On a closer look there seemed to be quite a big gap between the train floor and platform but it should be alright if you don’t have little wheels!
We then set off for our next destination of Avignon which was two hours away during which time the scenery and buildings changed quite rapidly into more of a Spanish design. We arrived at our hotel in Avignon which, again, was a cheap one, however, we discovered that the disabled rooms were in a different building from the main hotel and it was impossible for my wheelchair to fit in a normal room as well the bathroom being too small for my PA’s to assist me. As a result, we decided to move hotels and splash out on a double the price hotel just round the corner, at least this one has air conditioning as its been about 35 degrees today. We chilled out in my room for a few hours while it cooled down a little before heading down the road to, yet again, another station, this time Avignon TGV. I did what I do best and went train spotting whilst admiring the modern architecture before returning to the hotel for dinner.
Tomorrow we head an hour further down south to Montpelier which will be our base for driving around the Mediterranean coast so look out for hopefully for more photos on Twitter.