As per my previous post, the plan for today was to explore the city and, in particular, the Old Town. One thing that is immediately noticeable when wandering up to the centre is how wide and smooth the pavements are, even drop curbs can be seen at nearly every junction, perfect for rolling about on (beats some of the well known cities for accessibility)…

Anyway, we marched through the main square and into the tourist hotspot of the Old Town containing the main sights such as Zagreb Cathedral…

Now, most of the ‘Old Town’ parts of cities that I have visited i.e. Tallinn have cobbled streets presumably to preserve the ‘authenticity’ of the area which is understandable, not so great for Superbunny. However, it seems that more and more cities (first in Bratislava and now seen in Zagreb) are removing said cobbles and replacing with a smooth surface imitation. This makes for perfect rolling and enjoying the sights without being bumped to death…

Like most European cities, most of the shops and restaurants have a step up, however, everywhere has outdoor seating which solves the latter (unless you are muggins who has a phobia of pidgins in which case you have to hunt for a shopping centre or the occasional restaurant that has level access!). This Old Town had very much of an Austrian vibe also.
Next up was the Funicular railway (apparently the shortest one in the world according to our airport taxi driver?). I Googled this beforehand and thought that there was no way that this could be accessible but the driver was adamant so we gave it a shot. Turns out that he was correct as a stair lift was uncovered to transport Superbunny up the steps to the entrance from which it was level access…just a little tight getting into the thing…what is a bit of paint scratching though? Anyway, it presented marvelous views of the city…

It is a 6am start tomorrow as we head to Zagreb station to catch the 7:02am train to Ljubljana in Slovenia for the day…oh I do love a bit of European train travel and the associated antics!