I must say that leaving Stockholm last night through the fjords was probably one of the most awesome views from a cruise ship thus far! We also learnt that Estonia (our port of call for today) is actually 2 hours ahead of the UK rather than 1 as previously thought…fun fact right there!
Anyway, I’m pleased to say that we docked in Tallinn at the planned port meaning it was a mere 15 – 20 walk to the Old Town in the heart of the city…
Akin to Bruges, the majority of the Old Town comprises of cobbled streets and drop curbs are scarce making it a nightmare for Superbunny plus the pavements become very tight at points! However, if you look beyond this, the area does have stunning architecture, one of my PAs likened it to Disneyland!
Now, financial districts, yes I know that I have a thing for them everywhere I go but they do have their uses as on this occasion. As you might expect reading the above, nearly all the shops and restaurants in the Old Town have steps whereas the New Town with all it’s glass skyscrapers doesn’t thus that’s where we eat.
The New Town is in stark contrast with smooth pavements and drop curbs as you would expect making it much easier to roll around…
Before my laptop battery completely dies, tomorrow we dock in St Petersburg where we will spend 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) touring the city with ‘I Love Travel’ including an accessible boat tour which should be an experience 🙂